Ily xx To The Moon and Back

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“I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!”

I absolutely love that line from Peter Pan. Because I do believe that the words we speak hold much power. Sometimes we do not realize the immensity of power that they do hold, and we declare too much in defeat rather than in belief. Yet as much as our words hold power, our thoughts are what release or retain their impact. When are thoughts are noble, they so easily can build kingdoms beyond our sight. Yet when our thoughts are fearful, worrisome, or prideful, they easily can create ruins where palaces were being prepared.

I believe that belief is as powerful as magic, for a little bit goes a long way in impossible odds. And that’s why this line from Peter Pan is critical to what I’m about to say. Belief may be a small thing, but it changes everything. It is what expands our child-like faith. In Matthew 9:27-29 (MSG) it says: “As Jesus left the house, he was followed by two blind men crying out, ‘Mercy, Son of David! Mercy on us!’ When Jesus got home, the blind men went in with him. Jesus said to them, ‘Do you really believe I can do this?’ They said, ‘Why, yes, Master!’ He touched their eyes and said, ‘Become what you believe.’ It happened. They saw.” 

Likewise, there are things that God has spoken to you that you need to start to declare! Some of you need to believe in God again, that He is love! Some of you need to believe in miracles again, that He can do all things! Some of you need to believe in your promises again, that He will be faithful to keep His Word! And you need to realize your words have an immensity of power being heard in heaven when you speak: “I do believe in God! I do, I do!” If we become what we believe, then the opposite is that we trap what we disbelieve.

IMG_0615Disbelief also has power because it is a sealed container of God’s goodness, or in this sake, of magic’s potential. Tinkerbell, the little fairy from Peter Pan, “died” when someone spoke “I don’t believe in fairies.” BUT, she also came back to life when “I do believe in fairies” was declared. What I’m saying is –> your words, your prayers, your declarations shape your destiny more than you know. If I had the choice to choose a life-filled destiny or a dull, empty one, I would definitely the choose the first option over the latter. So choose your words wisely, my friend. They release miracles, they defy impossible odds, they move mountains! It is true that we can’t make all things happen; yet it’s also true that God can. Therefore, if you believe anything is possible, so it will be. As Romans 4:13 says, “That famous promise God gave Abraham—that he and his children would possess the earth—was not given because of something Abraham did or would do. It was based on God’s decision to put everything together for him, which Abraham then entered when he believed.” 

‭‭There’s a saying me and my mom have shared since I was little that says; “I love you to the moon and back.” As a daughter, I know this to the depths of my heart, because I know her, I see her sacrifice for my future, and her belief in my dreams is undeniable. To the moon and back doesn’t compare to her actual love, but to see the moon and remember her words is so much more enchanting because it reminds me of her and it’s timeless truth. Likewise, God whispers the same truth to your heart: “I love you to the moon and back.” & you can believe it and know it for you know HIM, he sent His one and only begotten son for your future with Him, and His belief in what you can do is beyond comprehension. To the moon and back doesn’t compare to his actual love, but when you do see that bright beautiful moon surrounded by an ocean of stars, you can hear Him, every time, whispering His love for you with it’s timeless truth. If He believes in you, and believes in your dreams all the more, then what is stopping you from truly, fully believing them enough to declare them? I’m believing for abundant provision in my next season, I’m believing for the deepest desires of my heart to surface, and I’m believing for God’s faithfulness to pave divinely orchestrated paths before me.

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Now it’s your turn- what’re you choosing to believe and declare??As 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 MSG reads, so I declare over you, with all its truth, love, and power: “We’re not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, “I believed it, so I said it,” we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive. Every detail works to your advantage and to God’s glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise! So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.”

“I do believe God loves you to the moon and back. I do, I do!” & may you, my friend, wholeheartedly believe it too. 🌟💙🌕

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