Within Gardens of Grace


It has officially been ONE MONTH since starting my Instagram detox. And jeez, it’s already been a whirlwind.

  1. I read a lot more. (Like five books in the month and counting.)
  2. I am researching gardening all the time. Yes. Even at 7:00 AM.
  3. I’m listening to all kinds of music and making all the more friends.
  4. I go into my every day quite blindly and yet courageously, because despite all the new things, there’s still SO much more time than I know what to do with.
  5. MAINLY, I realized that I was not living my own life because I was so content, and almost caught up in,  living others’.

I know it sounds weird, almost bizarre, but somehow seeing everyone else was doing okay suited me enough to be okay with how boring my life was; their happiness brought me happiness and that was that. Yet as I decided to take all that away… I soon discovered I had completely forgotten what made me happy. Thus I went on a treasure hunt, if you’d say, and here I am now, thirty days later, sharing with you a few things I’ve come to know within its garden of grace. 



Week 1: If you never take the time to close your eyes, you’ll never know the beat of your own heart. We have to know what makes us come alive and what makes us lie down in green pastures of rest. We must let our heart speak and be brave enough to follow what it may have to say. It is actually quite daring to listen to your heart.

Week 2: Time is far more precious than jewels. Every moment is so precious. The moments we spend with our bestest of friends, the moments we give our wholehearted selves into, the moments we break in communion with the most loving God. There’s such a sweet and fresh taste to every day when we realize how fleeting life can be if we never truly seize it or see it for its wonder.

Week 3: Pay the price to do the dream. I am a saver, hands down. But there is nothing that sets my soul on fire more than finally doing what I’ve pondered and wondered and dreamed of in my heart for so long. I think if we each attached a date to the desires of our heart, we would live a much more fulfilled life sooner. I’m learning that now is better than never, today is your day, and tomorrow still will be okay. 

Week 4: Remember you’re a voice. Being silent for days may be good for vocal recovery, but being silent for weeks, months, or years, can really do some damage to the power we hold inside. What if the lion stopped roaring? The lightning hid its might? The wind stayed still? We’d miss so much in the circle of life. Together, as we all raise our unique voices, we create the most beautiful sound and wave of heaven to be released on earth.


Processed with VSCO with m5 presetThe enemy is sneaky with trying to steal your talents. He makes them look so much more like pebbles than diamonds. Yet if we took the time to really look at our own lives, we’d find there is much more value we can all bring to make a better and brighter world. 

I stopped writing for a season.. and it almost stole my very reason and passion along with it too. So if there’s anything I can pass along to the person who may have forgotten their power, their voice, their song, it is that it is still within you. The enemy can distract you from who you are for a time being, but he cannot ever take the real rarity that is you away.

So close your eyes, and seize the moment. Pay the price, and remember your voice.  

The world is large, my friend, but so are you.




Ps. Feel free to comment below what YOU do to rest! Or to even vocalize the dreams in your heart! I’d love to hear and know. ❤



2 thoughts on “Within Gardens of Grace

  1. Taking the time to hear the beat of your own heart! So beautifully written❤️Let me start by saying, I am very Thankful for you and that God is not done with you there. The dream in my heart is just to be the woman my Father has called me to be and to walk accordingly in confidence brining as many people as I can with me.

    I’ve had quite the time to Rest and Heal over these past few years … but there is so many more chapters left to discover by the author and perfecter of our faith. I like going for walks/runs in the morning … sitting by a large body of water , hiking , or journaling at a local coffee shop 🙂

    I pray that God would grant the desires of your ❤️… Thank you for your wisdom words .I love you sweet friend 🙂 See you soon



    1. ❤ Thank you for your words! They're so kind!
      & YES! There are certainly many more chapters ahead for you, even greater than the ones you've imagined 🙂 I can't wait to see how He writes them out into being for you! Praying you will continue to let rest be in your schedule as YOU go after the dreams in your heart, lovely. Have great faith and take courage. He is for you!



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