
As I sat in the Chicago airport, holding my comfort coffee, waiting to board my plane to Sydney, I sat not as an adventurous soul returning to a hope awaiting, yet instead as a heavily curious heart unsure of the next chapter that awaited her.

This is the point where I always pick up my pen and write. Write out my thoughts, my jumbled ball of yarn emotions, and untangle them, thread-by-thread, until they dance freely again.

And thus these words came, unhidden from my heart, unhidden from my pain, unhidden from my healing, and unhidden from my secret garden.

Sept 28, 2019

Love is timeless
Sometimes so timeless that it flies by
Without an ability to be caught or stopped
Even if for a moment
When it realizes its been flying past its stops
Due to being so free
It wants to return to its roots
The world won’t be the same
As it once knew

A love so deep can only be planted
As it is
And not where it wants to be
For if it stays discontent with its ways
It will never fully love
Nor expand to the heights it could reach
Love must be brave enough
To seek present over perfect
For true love to come to exist

Without expression
Love is much more a wild thought
But with cultivation
Love is the most wondrous dream

This is where time lands
On the field of grace
Where one risks themselves
To be seen as they are
For who they are
And where they are
Loved or unloved
But fully



As I sit here now, seven months later, on the blue rugged carpet of my bedroom floor,
so much has changed, and yet I almost feel the exact same.
Like I’m about to board a plane to destiny, not knowing where it’ll lead, yet knowing
it’s safe to trust.
Like this plane is being piloted by the Prince of Love.

Here he sits prophesying promise over my frail belief.
As if what is up ahead He’s already seen even though here He is, now.

His confidence and certainty is entirely convincing
when I look into His eyes.
”Love is on its way,” He sings over and over again
A melody of hope dawns within
as His heart enraptures mine.

In a way….
We all are sitting outside the gates of what we knew to be,
What we wished to be
What we cannot see — ahead.
Yet God is there, and here, and all around us,
Taking our jumbled up hearts and smoothing out all the pieces for good.
With or without pen and paper, He will lay everything out clearly before you again,
as promised.
Even if you have NO IDEA what’s next, or where that gigantic plane will head from here,
He is still 5 steps ahead of you, preparing the days before you to enter into

For when the perfect time comes …


Don’t worry… the plane won’t leave without you.
You’re too important in His sight.

Have a safe flight,

xx Kaytee