Burning to Blooming

& so her fire started to dim, not burning higher, but blooming within. 

In seasons of slow, it’s easy to let go. To lose hope, to lose trust, to push away, to silence all love. To forfeit your dreams, to forget the wonders birthed, to break up with your destiny, to lose sight of your worth. It’s not sight-sweeping, Instagram worthy, fun-documentary material. It’s real, and really boring. But it’s actually so beautiful, to  s l o w  d o w n , to breathe in the world and all its sound. To let its light lead you around, and speak to your heart what’s needing to be found.



A verse that God has highlighted to my heart this year is Jeremiah 41:8, which reads, “But ten of the men among them said to Ishmael, “Do not kill us, for we have hidden treasure in the field—wheat, barley, oil, and honey!” As I read this verse, I heard His heart whisper, “Do not kill your dreams… your gifts…. your passions. For there is more hidden in the field of your heart to discover.” In seasons of slow… it’s easy to let go, but instead let God, and stay planted.

When your fire starts to dim, don’t fret! It’s not because you are doing something wrong, it may just be because God is up to something new! When you lose sight of the castle for which you were heading, it is then you are able to catch sight of the purpose for which you are blooming.


Not all seasons are going to be blazing high and mighty with wonders and joy, but all of them do have intricate designs within their days that show God’s heart within its detailed arrays. You just have to be on the lookout to catch them, to behold them, to behold God, and still know He is near. So again, have no fear, for you are right here, where you belong, and if you slow down for a minute, you just might hear a song, singing over you like honey, and barley, wheat and oil and wine,  humming a beautiful rhyme, like a poem in its time.

“Do not kill us, sacred heart, for we are yours and we are fine; there’s still much to see, so roam wild and free, until we bloom when all is right.” 



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